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Solutions for Premature Hair Graying Problem. Important points for preserving your natural hair color.

Premature Hair Graying and Solutions. Important points for preserving your natural hair color. Here are the facts that are very important for you to know about Natural remedies and treatments you can try at home for Premature hair greying. These days I’m wondering about having a new haircut like the stunning Indian Actress Madhuri Dixit’s. But I should also think if it is suitable for my face or looks. Maybe some other hairstyle makes you look perfect. Everyone has a unique hairstyle. You should not only think about making your hair beautiful but you should also consider keeping your hair and scalp healthy. I recognize a widespread issue in society: people are having trouble maintaining their hair color. To cover up their gray hair, they frequently use synthetic dyes and hair treatments. These days, premature hair whitening is a prevalent problem. Hence I searched about a solution that should be a healthy and long time to prevent your untimely hair discolor before aging in other word...

Some precious trees that are useful to man

Some precious trees that are useful to man

Trees are amazing creations that are especially helpful in beautifying nature. Botanists have identified tens of thousands of plants around the world. Every tree has a species. It also has special characteristics in common. The same goes for vines. Plants have amazing power to make the world beautiful. They are also full of vitality. Some plants have the power to save human lives. They are used as herbs for the treatment of diseases. It is our absolute duty to protect the plants that preserve the beauty of the environment. Protecting trees means protecting the environment. This is not something that can be done by law. We ourselves must understand the importance and necessity of this. We are now experiencing the worst consequences of deforestation. Climate change is its main consequence. Therefore, everyone should be interested in saving trees. 

Here are six types of valuable trees that you should know about. It is very important to be aware of them.

Mahua Tree 

Botanical Name: Madhuca longifolia

The Mahua tree is a plant belonging to the strong 'Vanaspati' tree family. This is a tree species that belongs to the endemic flora of Sri Lanka. Mahua tree has quite a bit of milk, so you can see a slight astringent bloom. The mahua plant, which grows very large, is a plant that provides many benefits as wood. Leaves, bark, roots, fruits and flowers of this tree have to be utilized. The mahua tree, also known as 'Madhukasati Khanasarag', 'Madhusravadolaphalah, Savadupushepa', 'Madhushatilah' etc. in Sanskrit, is a plant of great medicinal value. The propagation of the mahua tree is by its seeds. Great bats love to eat fruits after they are ripe. Bats can be seen in swarms in mahua trees. Mahua tree, which brings many benefits to man, is a tree that has received special attention from the villagers since ancient times. In some areas huge mahua trees are also used as 'samhinda'. This 'Samhinda' is called a place where leaves and shoots are hung for God. There is a prayer to God.

Mahua seed oil is taken for sitting and mahua oil is an extraordinary medicinal herb. Mahua tree is indispensable for the treatment of fractures. The tree's bark is a special medicine for tree medicine. The people of Bintanne call the oil extracted from the seeds by the name of 'Atamianthel'. Mahua flowers are sweet. The villagers dry the mahua flowers and mix them in the middle of the 'halapa' with sweet coconut and eat them boiled. And it is good. Mahua flowers are white in color but turn golden when dried. In Vanni, Sri Lanka, it is customary to hunt deer and elk that come to eat the flowers that fall under the mahua trees during the mahua blossom season. There is a type of roti that is made using mahua flowers. It is called "meek roti". The mahua tree is named in Sanskrit literature as a strong tree. 

In the ancient times, wood from the mahua tree was used to build temples. In the construction of certain temples of the Kandy era, single tall Mahua trunks were used. It is because of its strength and size. The ancient people considered the mahua tree as a sacred tree, but nowadays the mahua tree is used for many purposes. Mahua tree is a very useful plant so it is everyone's duty to protect it. Mahua seed collectors can be seen under the mahua trees during the mahua nut season. Mahua seeds are sold in bulk. A set of mahua seeds can be bought in some places in Sri Lanka only for twenty rupees. That is a very low estimate. 

Mahua oil was used for frying oil in ancient recipes. The panchanga (the five elements) of the mahua tree is necessary for all diseases, and especially for vata (Sanskrit) diseases, for which the material of the mahua is used. Mahua fruits are produced in clusters. Mahua flowers bloom around February. There is a story that there is more honey in beehives and bumble bee hives during mahua blossom season. The people of Vanni areas cut mahua during the mahua flowering season. There are about 20 or 30 flowers in a mahua flower cluster. Fruits are produced in clusters of two or three. After ripening, bats peel off the seeds and drop them on the ground, and the seeds are collected and produces mahua oil. This mahua tree is a plant unique to India and Sri Lanka. 

Mainly used for joint medicine. Mahua wood is highly valued as it is designated as a first grade wood. Mahua oil is a very useful medicinal oil. There is no substitute for Mahua oil. Mahua tree is a native plant of Sri Lanka. Because of a plant confined to a country or two, the value for them increases even more.

Pomegranate Tree.

There is almost nothing we can do to hold the breath of our loved ones who are fighting between life and death, even for a minute. We wait with our beating hearts for the breaths of the loved ones who are in a rush to fall back down because we cannot intervene in the battle with death. But now we are going to talk about a wonderful medicine or a divine fruit that can fight death. Punica Granatum: Pomegranate, belonging to the genus Punicaceae, can be grown well in areas with normal climatic conditions as well as in cold areas. Pomegranate leaves, roots, flowers, nuts, seeds, bark, etc. can be used in everything, and this is a wonderful fruit that combines both nutritional and medicinal properties. The pink or brown colour of the pomegranate, which shines like crystals, has a dual taste of slightly sweet and salty. Even if we have to bow down to fate and accept death, we must have the strength to face that moment. Pomegranate juice is a wonderful drink that provides the necessary energy to our loved ones who have been living without it and suffering for weeks and months. By adding a little bit of cat salt (bilala salt) and 5 drops of honey to 1 cup of pomegranate juice, it can be used as an energy drink that provides instant energy to critically ill patients. If the twirling of the baby, which was rolling here and there in the womb, suddenly stops, the mother immediately feels it with great fear. If the baby is more than 5 months pregnant, you can get a tangible solution to the pregnancy movements by adding white sandalwood, milk, honey, and pomegranate leaf juice and applying it as a paste. By drinking a pomegranate fruit in a cup of juice and adding sugar and salt in the right amounts, memory can be retained for a long time. 
Remember to drink this drink every day to keep forgetfulness to a minimum. As the body heats up, another series of problems are added. Conditions such as melting gums, bad breath, watery eyes, and eye strain are important here. It is essential to seek immediate treatment because conditions such as mouth soreness and eye discharge are cruel enough to break our personalities instantly. 

 The best natural remedy for this is to drink pomegranate juice daily for about a week. Not only that, washing the eyes and mouth with boiled water from pomegranate leaves can also save you from these conditions. 

High blood pressure, or, as everyone knows, the condition of pressure," now affects the majority of people.

It is a terrible disease that does not hesitate to take lives. Therefore, in cases of high blood pressure, boiling water with pomegranate and orange peels can reduce blood pressure immediately. Also, drinking 1/2 cup of pomegranate juice in the morning and evening can keep blood pressure at a normal level. 

Not only that, drinking pomegranate juice is a proven medicine to control gastric diseases, for the proper functioning of the heart, for infections of the thyroid gland, and for throat inflammation. Those of you who are wandering around the market looking for energy drinks must now understand well that you can drink pomegranate as a natural energy drink.

Those of you who are wandering around the market looking for energy drinks must now understand that you can drink pomegranate as a natural energy drink.

Myrobalan Plant

Botanical Name: Terminalia chebula
Family: Combretaceae

The myrobalan plant is considered a type of tree that is beneficial to man and has been protected by man since time immemorial. According to medical science, the benefits of the myrobalan tree are great. Myrobalan is an Asian plant that grows well in both warm and cold climates. 
The Myrobalan tree, which is botanically known as Terminalelia chebula, belongs to the Terminalelia family and usually grows to a height of twenty-five to thirty metres. The genus Terminalelia cherbula belongs to the genus Combretaceae. 
Myrobalan was introduced in Sri Lanka as an Ayurvedic plant. Later, the Myrobalan plant spread throughout our country in suitable climatic and geographical environments. In addition to our country, the Mayrobalan tree grows very well in the states of Nepal, Burma, Malaya, and India.

Myrobalan trees grow well in Uva, Monaragala, Anuradhapura, Kurunegala, and lowland wet areas of Sri Lanka. Myrobalan provides a valuable service as a medicine. Among the three types of 'Triphala' fruits in local medicine, Myrobalan occupies an important place.

Different names: 
Haritaki -Sanskrit
Aralu - Sinhala
Haramba - Hindi 
Kadukankai -Tamil
Kabali -Arabic 
Golant -English

The myrobalan plant is propagated by seeds. The bark of the myrobalan fruit has medicinal properties. This is a great medicine for children as well as adults. Myrobalan flowers are very small and bloom only once a year. Flowers are odourless. Myrobalan fruit is mostly used. Generally, a Myrobalan fruit is about the size of a Ceylon olive fruit. Well-ripened fruits are collected and dried when they are used for medicine.

The rind of the Myrobalan fruit is used for medicine, and children love to eat the pulp after crushing the seeds. In the hilly areas and areas such as Uva Binthanna, Anuradhapura, Kurunegala, Kuliapitiya, etc., of Sri Lanka, the plant can be seen growing. 

There is information that the myrobalan plant was cultivated in the royal gardens, and medicinal gardens were also set up, and myrobalan was grown in them. Myrobalan, known as mother in Sinhala Ayurvedic medicine, is one of the main medicines. A special formula for children is very suitable for digestive disorders.

The propagation of the plant occurs through its seeds. By sprouting the seed of myrobalan, its plants can be propagated. Myrobalan leaves are ovoid, and the leaf is as big as 7-8cm. When the climate is dry, the leaves fall off, the new shoots bloom, and the leaves grow again.

Here the flowers appear in clusters. A typical flower cluster is about three to four inches long, and about a hundred flowers are produced in a cluster. Myrobalan flowers appear only once a year. A hermaphroditic small flower, this is a type of flower that belongs to the flower family but has no fragrance. The appearance of the myrobalan when young is similar to that of a Ceylon olive. The green fruit turns slightly darker in colour as it ripens. The bark is white in colour and shows a rough texture in the myrobalan tree. 

Also, it is not known if the trunk of the myrobalan tree is used for any purpose. Its value has increased due to its importance as a medicine. Myrobalan nuts are known in several types, and those types are mentioned in Ayurveda as Vijaya, Rohini, and Putana. Vijaya takes the shape of a bottle gourd.

Rohini is spherical in shape. 'Putana', larger in size and less thick in bark. A common Myrobalan fruit shows a ridged texture. Here it can be known that the type of Abhaya has five lines. Jeevanti is black and shows three Chetaki Rekhas, or three edges. The Vijaya variety is considered to be the superior variety.


Myrobalan is used to make Ayurvedic and other specialty medicines. It is also used to make Astringent pigments. It is said that tanners are used in leather tanning. Robert Knox has also expressed his views on the myrobalan. However, it must be said that myrobalan is a very useful medicine. It is not known that myrobalan wood is used as fuel. It is said that by putting a myrobalan fruit in the mouth, biting the extract, and rubbing it on the gums of the teeth, the gums become stronger. The bark of the myrobalan fruit is a very good toothache remedy when lightly fried and ground into powder. Only one time of the year is used to collect fruit crops. It is between August and September. Myrobalan is among the medicinals that have life-giving properties since Sakdevi made an myrobalan laxative for the Buddha, who spent Satsathi, to ease his bodily functions (For ease of defecation). Accordingly, we can introduce Myrobalan as an important plant that we need.

Vegetable Hummingbird Tree

Botanical name: Sesbania grandiflora

Plant family: Fabeceae

Vegetable Hummingbird: 

Vegetable Hummingbird is a medicinal plant that grows very well in Sri Lanka. The leaves and flowers of this plant are food items containing medicinal vitamins and substances for human consumption. It is an old custom among the women of Sri Lanka to prepare and eat humminbird leaves in different ways. 

These leaves are prepared in many ways, like 'mallum', sambols, with salt and pepper, bite, and broth. Also, Vegetable hummingbird flowers are prepared in sambol, curry, and bite styles. The pods produced here are not used like those of other moringas. A plant belonging to the genus Fabeceae, the hummingbird tree is grown by many people, sometimes as an ornamental plant. There are two varieties: the type with white flowers and the type with red flowers. Both types are known as plants of the same quality. Vegetable Hummingbird leaves are used for food when they are slightly ripe. These leaves are inedible when they are too ripe. The reason for this is the roughness of the leaf and its texture. Vegetable Hummingbird flowers are used for food when the petals of the flower are scattered. It is difficult to use the flowers for food after about a day. The reason is that small insects have entered it. The vegetable hummingbird plant can be found in the southwestern wet area and Mahaweli areas of Sri Lanka. Vegetable Hummingbird is grown as a vegetable crop in the lowland wet zone. You can see the plants for this purpose near the fields. A plant belonging to the Fabeceae family, the vegetable hummingbird plant is a water-loving plant. A plant that flowers throughout the year. Each flower forms a seed pod. Many seeds can be seen in a pod. Laos, Thailand, Java, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and India are among the countries where the Vegetable hummingbird plant grows well. In some of these countries, vegetable hummingbird is added daily to their diet. However, it is said in Ayurveda that frequent consumption of vegetable Hummingbird leaves, which contain many beneficial substances, helps in relieving constipation, urinary diseases, and other diseases, as well as body temperature. Expansion The seeds can be obtained here by taking and drying the mature pods. Hummingbird seedlings can be obtained by planting them in seed nurseries. A 2x2-foot pit can be prepared with organic manure, and planting can be done. After about six months, the vegetable hummingbird plant grows very well. The tree, which grows to a height of 16 metres, can be kept at the same level by pruning its branches. People who grow hummingbird for leaves can be seen cutting the shoots to one level. Some people prefer the red vegetable hummingbird to the white vegetable hummingbird because of its colour. However, the properties of both types are the same. Hummingbird leaves are used for food when they are slightly ripe. 

Benefits and Attributes.

Vegetable Hummingbird is a medicinal plant. Due to its material qualities, it is good for gastric diseases. Also, the nutritional value of flowers containing vitamins, minerals, etc. is high. It is good to mix  vegetable hummingbird with food regularly, which cures the congestion of the bladder and the hardness of the food. Also, vegetable Hummingbird is equally good for stomach ulcers and mouth diseases. Vegetable Hummingbird is a very good medicine for mouth sores and gum sores. Those diseases are completely cured by preparing and eating wilted leaves. Vegetable Hummingbird flowers also contain the same properties. The vegetable hummingbird flowers are said to have the power to kill blood toxins. Currently, it can be found growing as an economic vegetable in Sri Lanka.

Clove Tree

Botanical name: Eugenia caryophylata Family: Myrataceae

Clove, belonging to the genus Mirataceae, is an economically important plant. Although this is found in many parts of Sri Lanka, the most favourable climate for the clove tree is an environment with normal temperatures.
The clove tree grows well in the area from sea level to 3000 feet in Sri Lanka. At the same time, the clove tree can be seen growing very well in the humid southwestern region. The clove tree also grows in areas with a semi-tropical climate. Especially friendly to the mountain environment, the clove plant is a tall-growing plant, and the fruit is produced only once a year. The flowers of the clove tree are used as well as the related nuts, which are sold in the market in high demand. Clove, which is used as a medicine and a spice, has been cultivated as a mixed crop in Sri Lanka since time immemorial. It is used as an effective remedy for toothaches. The clove tree, which grows most abundantly in Madagascar, is also widely cultivated in countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan, the Pembas Islands, Tanzania, and India. Cloves, widely used in Ayurvedic products in India, are also used as herbs for various diseases. It is said that in the distant past, western trade groups who travelled to the East collected these cloves in Southeast Asia. Cloves belong to the category of spices and are a plant with a long history. Around 1770, the French introduced cloves to the island of Mauritius. Propagation is by seeds from the clove tree, which grows in cones. A clove tree takes seven or eight years to bear fruit. But according to current research, transplanted plants can give quick results.

Wood apple

The woodapple tree is a very valuable tree in medicinal terms. The woodapple tree is a tree that grows in the dry zones of countries like Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan. In local medicine, the leaves, bark, and roots of the woodapple tree are used to cure various diseases.

Here are the benefits of wood apple, a divine herb. The woodapple tree which silently sets an example in our lives, is more valuable than ever in harsh, difficult days than when there is a good climate.
When we talk about the "woodapple" fruit, the first thing that comes to mind is the elephant who loves to eat woodapple. We used to scrape a bit of the woodapple and add sugar and salt to eat it. The elephant swallows the woodapple fruit right out of the groove. Even if the heat of the elephant's body melts the essence of the whole woodapple fruit, the elephant will not be able to melt the grooves of the woodapple fruit. Because of that, the elephant slowly shifts alertly, leaving behind evidence that it has been eaten. Due to the thick covering of the woodapple fruit,
They are also called 'Katina Pala' in Sanskrit. In English, it can also be called elephant apple, monkey apple, or wood apple, which is constantly used. The fruit, known by the botanical name Kimonos acidissima, is used for cosmetic as well as medicinal purposes. Due to the fact that it contains vitamin C, tannin, calcium, phosphorus, and iron, the above double functions are performed.

The nutritional properties of woodapple are given as follows:
Moisture 64.02g Calories 134g Protein 7.1g Fat 5.7g Carbohydrate 18.01g Calcium 130g Phosphorus 110g 6.6g of iron Vitamin C 5mg Carotene 6mg Thiamine 40mg Riboflavin 170mg

Woodapple is a divine medicine for long-term sneezing, runny nose, colds, and headaches. You can eliminate those conditions by taking a certain amount of wood apple leaves, boiling them with water, and drinking them several times a day. Inhaling the steam of wood apple leaves while drinking them can also provide quick relief from these conditions.
How can I get healthy without eating meat and fish? That is a question for the majority of people who do not eat meat, fish, dry fish, or eggs. Although it's a problem that confuses vegetarians, those who drink woodapple juice would not have to ask such a question. It is because all the nutrients from meat, fish, and eggs can be completed with a cup of woodapple juice. Since 100g of woodapple contains 140 calories, both vegetarians and non-vegetarians can use woodapple as an energy drink. 

Everyone does one thing or another to protect their image. Woodapple can also be added as another fruit, such as carrots, papayas, and avocados, to apply to the face. It is possible to increase the brightness of the skin by removing the seeds of the woodapple fruit and applying it as a paste. Because the beta-carotene contained in carrots is also contained in woodapple, tangible results can be obtained from it.

It has been proven by modern tests that pregnant mothers who apply woodapple to their bodies do not get diseases like dengue, filariasis, or complications caused by mosquito toxin. 
It goes without saying that diabetes is an incurable disease. It is a well-known secret that diabetes control drugs are helping to bring that fatality closer day by day.
Woodapple is a medicinal fruit for this issue. Boiling the bark and branches of the woodapple tree and drinking them two or three times a day instead of tea can lower blood glucose levels and insulin levels.
Even when you get hiccups, it's very uncomfortable, isn't it? You can stop hiccups by adding 1 teaspoon of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of long pepper to 2 tablespoons of crushed and filtered juice from woodapple flesh. By making and eating woodapple fruit in the form of cream, intestinal injuries and haemorrhoids can be eliminated. Woodapple is a proven medicine to eliminate blockages, increase kidney function, and increase immunity. 

Some more important facts.

It is very suitable for liver diseases and urinary diseases caused by alcohol use. 
Ripe woodapples have anti-cancer properties.
For non-communicable diseases, you get a lot of medicinal properties by eating it as a fruit.
Eating ripe woodapple without removing its seeds and fibres can prevent blood clots.
Woodapple milk improves eyesight and is beneficial for skin diseases.
In cases of bleeding from the gums, it is beneficial to wash the mouth with boiled water of woodapple flower mixed with a little powder of alum.

So keep in mind that it has medicinal value, and try to eat a delicious woodapple.


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