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Solutions for Premature Hair Graying Problem. Important points for preserving your natural hair color.

Premature Hair Graying and Solutions. Important points for preserving your natural hair color. Here are the facts that are very important for you to know about Natural remedies and treatments you can try at home for Premature hair greying. These days I’m wondering about having a new haircut like the stunning Indian Actress Madhuri Dixit’s. But I should also think if it is suitable for my face or looks. Maybe some other hairstyle makes you look perfect. Everyone has a unique hairstyle. You should not only think about making your hair beautiful but you should also consider keeping your hair and scalp healthy. I recognize a widespread issue in society: people are having trouble maintaining their hair color. To cover up their gray hair, they frequently use synthetic dyes and hair treatments. These days, premature hair whitening is a prevalent problem. Hence I searched about a solution that should be a healthy and long time to prevent your untimely hair discolor before aging in other word...

Malabar nut plant traits and uses.

Let's identify the various properties of the Malabar nut (Artathoda) plant and its medicinal value.

Malabar nut


This description is published here to show the medicinal value of this plant and its medicinal use in Sri Lanka's indigenous medicine and Ayurveda.

Follow the instructions given here only on medical advice.


Hela : Sri Lanka's indigenous medicine.

Panchanga: 5 elements of the plant.i.e., leaves, roots, flowers, bark, and seeds.

Rath pith: Aggravated pitta cause imbalance of blood heat.

Malabar Nut  (Ardathoda plant) is used in Sri Lanka's indigenous medicine and Ayurveda as a plant with high medicinal value. This Malabar nut plant has healing properties for phlegm, rath pith diseases, respiratory problems, fever, vomiting, and rashes. In Sri Lanka's hela medicine, Malabar nut plant is widely used for steaming methods for treatments, 'mallung', pulps, and a head therapy called "hisa kudichchi" when treating mental illnesses and decoctions. Malabar nut is a very valuable medicinal plant.

Malabar nut is a very valuable medicinal plant. Often the entire panchanga (the five parts of the plant), i.e., leaves, roots, flowers, bark, and seeds, are used in the preparation of hela medicines.


1. Names used to refer to the Malabar nut plant:

2. Background of this plant and How this plant evolved.

3. Diseases for which the Malabar nut  plant is important.

4. How is this plant used as medicine?

4.1 A medicinal smoke

4.2 Let's see how to make "Vasaka" Syrup at home.

4.3 Some hand remedies that can be made using Malabar nut.

5. More on how this plant is used as medicine.

6. Other benefits of this plant, apart from medicinal use:

7. Summary

1. Names used to refer to the Malabar nut plant:

Introduced as "vasaka" in Sanskrit. This plant is also known by the names 'Va Appala', 'Agal Adaara', and 'Pavatta' in different regions of Sri Lanka.

Its botanical name is Justicia Adhatoda.

It is called 'agal-adaara' in Sinhalese because it can grow well in hedges.

The flower of the Malabar nut plant looks like a lion's mouth. Therefore, it is called the lion's mouth (Sinhalese: sinha-mukaya) as well.

2. Background of this plant and How this plant evolved.

The Malabar nut plant is a type of perennial shrub that grows between 3 and 10 feet tall and is commonly seen in lowland, dry areas of Sri Lanka. This plant has also spread to countries like India and Malaysia.

Malabar nut leaves grow 6 to 12 inches long and are lance-shaped. The tip of the leaf becomes sharp, and small white flowers are produced in short spikes. The flowers of Malabar nut, bloom mostly in the months of November and December.

According to ancient traditional Vedic books as well as Ayurvedic medicine, Malabar nut is a leading medicinal plant used to treat many diseases, such as cough and asthma. 

You can imagine how much this Malabar nut or ardathoda plant helps small children and hela medicine (Sri Lanka's indigenous medicine) and Ayurvedic doctors from the mention of "Vedamahata" and "Vedaralage Mo" in the books. Many poems in Ayurveda and hela medical literature refer to special poetry stanzas called "Vedageta", which hide precious medicines, and in those Vedic poetry stanzas, this Malabar nut plant is called "Vedaralage Moa," i.e., Vedarala's (Doctor in Hela medicine) mother.

These plants have been cultivated in the hedges of estates since ancient times. Malabar nut is an indispensable medicine in traditional hela medicine.

Malabar nut plant is a medicine that is taken to bathe the baby in water of leaves since giving birth to a child.

They are very good for phlegm and coughing. This is a plant of great value, especially in eastern countries, and that has the ability to excrete phlegm.

3. Diseases for which the Malabar nut plant is important.

Malabar nut plant is used in Sri Lanka's indigenous medicine and Ayurveda as a plant with high medicinal value.

Malabar nut plant has the property of killing phlegm, rath pith diseases, respiratory problems, fever, vomiting, and rashes.

Moreover, dysentery, Urinary diseases, heart disease, Hematologic diseases, including hematoma, respiratory diseases, including asthma, lung diseases, sore throat, cough, catarrh, ulcers, rash, anal fissures, worm diseases, skin diseases, body odour, etc. are treated with the leaves, bark, roots, flowers, and seeds, the five elements of the Malabar nut plant.

4.How is this plant used as medicine?

In hela medicine, the Malabar nut plant is widely used for steaming treatments, boils, mallungs, pulps, head treatments called in Sinhalese "Hisa Kudichchi," and decoctions.

Most of the "Panchanga," of Malabar nut i.e., leaves, roots, flowers, bark, and seeds, are used in the preparation of hela medicines or remedies.

Among the medicinal products produced using Malabar nut, the most famous are "Vasavaleha", "Vasahaharitakyadi Leha", "Vahakapanchanga", and "Vasakarishtaya".

These medicinal products are mainly used in the treatment of rath pith diseases, tuberculosis, and respiratory diseases.

Especially if you take all the parts of the plant, there are certain times to prepare them. The leaves should be collected in the morning, dried in the air, and placed in a windproof place in the afternoon.

It should be used as soon as it is new because it loses its quality quickly.

The flowers should be plucked when young and dried early. Drying in the hot sun is not recommended. Leaves, flowers, bark, and roots are used for making medicine and are used for diseases such as phlegm, dry cough, and tuberculosis.

The puree or juice obtained from the Malabar nut leaves and flowers with honey and sugar is suitable for fever.

Let's see how to prepare an effective medicine for asthma and people with high blood pressure, from the Malabar nut tree.

Take the "panchaanga," i.e., the five parts of the Malabar nut tree, and cut them thinly. Keep it in an arica palm leaf and tie it tightly. If you like, you can also use a clay pot for this. Now dig the earth and bury it so that it does not get water.

After a week, take it out of the ground, dry it, and grind it into powder. Now pack this powder well so that it is safe from the wind, and drink it in the morning and evening, as if you were drinking tea. Add hot water to this powder and drink it.

4.1 A medicinal smoke

Take this powder, wrap it in a leaf, and smoke it like a cigarette. It becomes very good for asthma patients and smokers. Unlike toxic tobacco cigarettes, this is not harmful to the body.

"Vasavaleha", "Vasava" syrup, and "Vasaka Irtaya" are some of the medicinal products made using Malabar nut.

Malabar nut is a well-known herb that cures many lung diseases.

Malabar nut flowers, dried slightly, mixed with hot water, and taken to drink, are beneficial for all diseases related to the lungs. It helps to eliminate excess phlegm, cough, asthma, and throat pain.

For asthma patients, take the puree of malabar nut leaves, mix it with cumin, ginger, and red onion juice, and boil it well. After it becomes syrup, take it off the stove, put it in a bottle, and drink 2 teaspoons each morning and evening.

"Vasavalehaya" medicine is said to be beneficial for all diseases related to the lungs, such as cough, phlegm, and catarrh.

And Malabar nut syrup, or "Vasaka" syrup, is also very useful to cure diseases like cough, cold, catarrh, and asthma.

4.2 Let's see how to make Vasaka Syrup at home. 

Take all five elements of Malabar nut equally, add 4 cups of water, and boil well to make a decoction. Heat it until it reduces to 1/4 of its volume. It is then mixed with sugar, and the syrup is made.

After it becomes syrup, remove it from the stove, put it in an airtight bottle, and keep it closed for use.

Also, take some Malabar nut leaves and cut them well. Mix 20 grammes each of myrobalan and raisins and put them all in a pot.

After that, mix 8 cups of water with it, heat it to become 1 cup, add sugar, honey, and a little rock sugar, and drink 1/2 cup in the morning and evening for a few days. It is a very beneficial medicinal drink for all lung diseases.

4.3 Some hand remedies that can be made using Malabar nut.

Malabar nut leaves are used in massage treatments (to foment with Malabar nut leaves) for swollen joints caused by arthritis.

If there is a severe cough, take all five elements of Malabar nut, crush them, steam and squeeze them, and then take about the size of two to three red lucky seeds of the above mixture and dissolve them in "Jeevaka Kalka" (Jeevaka pulp or cream).

Dry cough can be cured by dissolving rock sugar in boiled Malabar nut leaves, liquorice, and raisins water and giving it three times a day.

Also, boiled water of Malabar nut leaves cooled to drink with honey are very beneficial for a common cough.

For a chronic cough, you can take Malabar nut leaf puree mixed with ginger puree and honey and drink it. This medicine should be taken 2 teaspoons daily in the morning and evening for 8 days.

It is very appropriate to grind and apply Malabar nut leaves to a new wound, and when a severe disease like dysentery occurs, immediately squeeze the leaves and drink it, which is an extremely beneficial medicine. And it is appropriate to drink boiled "Panchanga" (the five parts of the plant) of Malabar nut also called "paspanguwa", 8 cups of it boiled until it becomes one cup of it.

Apply the leaves and roots as a cream for joint diseases and for swelling and pain caused by injuries.

Apply Malabar nut leaves ground with raw turmeric for rashes. 

Haemorrhoids, Malabar nut "paspanguwa" (the five elements of the plant), can be made into a pillow called "Pottani," which is boiled and is used to massage with it.

Note: Pottani : 

It becomes like a pillow. The crushed or chopped medicines are collected together and made into a ball, wrapped in a cloth, tied, heated and used in a massage treatment. This pottani is usually used after heating it by steaming. 

For worms, apply the juice of Malabar nut leaves externally, around the anus.

Also, for body odour, apply Malabar nut leaves mixed with chank shell (Turbinella pyrum) ash.

Grind the ash of chank shell and apply it on navel, pelvis, vagina areas for easy delivery.

For haemorrhoids patients who have phlegm and air diseases, make "pottani" from Malabar nut bark and boil it for massage treatments.

For difficult urination and urinary inflammation, boil and drink Malabar nut flower "Churnaya" powder.

For rath pith disease, at the peak of anaemia, boil or juice the "Panchanga,"  the five parts, and add sugar and honey to drink.

5. More on how this plant is used as medicine.

The value of this plant is that its juice has the ability to expel phlegm from the lungs or trachea. Phlegm is not something to stick to. Phlegm should be expelled. The Malabar nut and licorice have properties to expel phlegm.

Young children usually have phlegm.

When phlegm is coughed up, the phlegm should be removed from it. Do not stop coughing.

The expelling of phlegm property is present in this Malabar nut.

For a small child (not a baby), a few leaves of this are crushed, and the juice is taken with a little honey to expel his phlegm.

This is also known as "Vasaka" Syrup. The syrup in the market is usually made by taking the puree, adding sugar, and boiling it.

It is difficult to drink porridge made from Malabar nut, because it is very bitter.

Malabar nut steam can be inhaled. It causes phlegm to be removed.

In the past, the malabar nut was dried and smoked. By doing so, the smoke goes to the trachea and cause to expel phlegm.

When a cold develops, heavy feeding should be stopped. Because the lungs need energy from the body to stop the disease. The body uses energy to digest food. Then the disease cannot be fought against. So take care to rest when a cold comes on. It is advisable to give Malabar nut during the last stage of the disease. When you are sick, give your body a rest by eating simple foods. In Ayurveda, it is known as "lagu" food or light diet, which means easy-to-digest food. Do not give milk at the beginning of the disease. It is advisable to give Malabar nut with milk when the phlegm is festering.

6. Other benefits of this plant, apart from medicinal use:

When the Malabar nut plant is planted in the waterways that supply water to the paddy fields, the chemicals released from its roots dissolve in the water, so it is a unique fact that some pest control is also done.

7. Summary

The Malabar nut plant is known by the names "agal adara" (trench aid), "pavatta," and  "lion's mouth". It is a major medicinal plant used in Hela medicine and Ayurveda. It is mainly useful for phlegm, cough, asthma and is a remedy for many other diseases. All five parts of this plant are used for medicine. Different types of medicines are made from this medicinal plant. These medicines are available in the market as well. Apart from its medicinal mission, it also has the properties to act as a pest killer.

If you can add such a valuable plant to your garden, you will understand how valuable it is.

Don't forget the saying that health is the greatest profit.

Note: This description is brought to you to highlight this valuable Malabar nut plant and its medicinal value. Be sure to follow your doctor's advice before implementing the advice here.


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