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Solutions for Premature Hair Graying Problem. Important points for preserving your natural hair color.

Premature Hair Graying and Solutions. Important points for preserving your natural hair color. Here are the facts that are very important for you to know about Natural remedies and treatments you can try at home for Premature hair greying. These days I’m wondering about having a new haircut like the stunning Indian Actress Madhuri Dixit’s. But I should also think if it is suitable for my face or looks. Maybe some other hairstyle makes you look perfect. Everyone has a unique hairstyle. You should not only think about making your hair beautiful but you should also consider keeping your hair and scalp healthy. I recognize a widespread issue in society: people are having trouble maintaining their hair color. To cover up their gray hair, they frequently use synthetic dyes and hair treatments. These days, premature hair whitening is a prevalent problem. Hence I searched about a solution that should be a healthy and long time to prevent your untimely hair discolor before aging in other word...

Let's know about the value of the jasmine plant.

Let's know about the jasmine plant and it's benefits.

Would you like to grow a plant in your garden that can easily provide many valuable benefits, naturally? The jasmine plant can be considered a valuable plant as such. Jasmine is a flowering plant that attracts many people. Everyone enjoys the aroma of jasmine flowers. 

This is why the scent of the jasmine vine is used in various perfumes and air fresheners. This flower type is very popular. It is a fragrant flower, and it is a plant used in various Ayurvedic medicines.


1. Major types of jasmines and their names:
2. Nature and mode of existence of the plant.
3. Benefits and Uses of Jasmine Flower.
4. The plant's medicinal properties and remedies.
5. Grow Jasmine : How to Make a poet's jasmine -  Jasminum grandiflorum plant
6. Grow Jasmine: How to Make an Arabian Nights Jasmine (Jasminum sambac), or Arabian Jasmine (Jasminum rottlerianum) plant.
6.1 How to Plant in the Field
7. How to make poet's jasmine tea.
8. Summary

1. Major types of Jasmines and their Names:

There are several types of jasmine in Sri Lanka. Among these, the most popular variety is the single white-flowered variety. It is used in many medicines. 
The type called "Pink Jasmine" is a type with a pink colour flower. There are some Pink Jasmin varieties that are purple in color. 
The Jasminum rottlerianum known as Arabian jasmine plant is another rare variety of this jasmine.
Jasminum officinale known as Common jasmine and Jasminum grandiflorum known as poet's jasmine are two other main types.

There are 200 types of jasmine flowers. The main 4 of them are often talked about.

Jasmine is known in two types according to the colour of the flowers.
If the lower part of the flower has a light purple colour, it is called Pink jasmine "Sinhalese:De Saman".
It belongs to the rare category of jasmine. The most popular is the jasmine plant, whose whole flower is white in colour.

2. Nature and mode of existence of the plant.

This commonly found plant is considered a perennial vine plant. The mature trunk of this plant is grey, and the leaves and young branches are dark green. It is grown in a way that likes the bush system and the vine system. Jasminum rottlerianum is mostly grown on a large scale. Because among these cultivated jasmines, one plant that likes the sun is the Jasminum rottlerianum plant. So in India, it is produced on a large scale.

3. Benefits and Uses of Jasmine Flowers. 
Here, it primarily refers to the Jasminum grandiflorum plant's flowers.

Jasmine flower tea is made and drunk. Jasmine flowers are used as tea among the Chinese. This has been a popular drink in China since ancient times. Jasmine herbal tea has good demand in the market.

Indian Hindu women use jasmine flower vines to decorate their hair.
Oil extracted from jasmine flowers can be introduced as one of the most valuable oils in the world.

Good for eye health:

It can be seen that washing the eyes with water infused with jasmine flowers has been used since ancient times to protect the eyes and recover from eye diseases. This jasmine is a medicine that is used even for the eyes and has its own good antiseptic properties. That's why it is taken as an eye wash.

It is also mentioned in the books that by putting jasmine flowers in water and washing the body with that water for a few hours, sweat and odour will disappear.

It is said that drying jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) flowers, making a pillow out of it, and sleeping on it cures many diseases, leads to good sleep, and reduces mental stress.

A lot of jasmine types are used in the production of perfumes.

This jasmine is also used for offerings.

Women can pluck the buds of this jasmine flower plant, put them in water, and wash their faces in the morning.
It can be used as a cosmetic.

Hindus consider this jasmine sacred.

These flowers are used to get rid of stress.

4. Medicinal properties and remedies.

Jasminum grandiflorum flowers' advantages are primarily discussed here.

This jasmine is used in local medicine in the treatment of diseases such as oral diseases, dental diseases, acne, rashes, urinary retention, earache, migraine, and diabetes. The leaves, flowers, and roots of this plant are used for treatment.

In Ayurvedic books, it says that to avoid various oral diseases, including chapped lips, mouth sores, and tooth decay, these jasmine flowers are dried and powdered, and coconut husks or coconut root charcoal is added to the powder along with salt and used. According to the Ayurveda Shastra, it is also possible to cure mouth diseases by rinsing the mouth with boiled water of jasmine leaves. By rinsing the mouth with that water, the mouth blisters can be cured instantly.

A drink made with the leaves and flowers of jasmine is found in local medicine for heat diseases such as haemorrhoids, urinary inflammation, body inflammation, etc.

It is said that washing the wounds with boiled water from jasmine roots and leaves for rashes will cure the wounds.
Also the water infused with jasmine flowers can be used as an antiseptic to clean wounds or burns; It is said that the itching of the wounds will disappear as well.

It is a beneficial plant for migraines, headaches, etc. Jasmine flowers are also used for other "pith" (bile) diseases and sepsis.
Roots are even used in making decoctions to increase mental strength.

When you wake up in the morning, the crusts in the eyes come due to the heat in the eyes. Jasmine is a good medicine for styes (hordeolum) in the eyes as well. Put its flower buds in water and wash your face with that water for a day or two in the morning, and your stye in the eyes will heal. This medicine has been used since ancient times. Also, various people use this remedy of washing the eyes with water containing jasmine flowers in cases of diseases such as eye redness and eye inflammation. It is also confirmed that the jasmine plant has antiseptic properties. If an infection occurs, it can be treated.

It is said to be a wonderful medicine to cool the body and get rid of skin diseases.

This jasmine can be used to control female and male infertility, irregular menstrual cycles in women, uterine diseases, and uterine temperature control. 
Lightly dried jasmine flowers mixed with rock sugar, powdered, and mixed with water to drink 1 teaspoon at night will develop the body's "Dhathus"(tissues) power and memory.

In Sinhala medicine, a decoction is made from jasmine flowers and the plant's roots to drink as a treatment in cases of irregular bleeding during women's menstruation and in cases of severe pain.

It is mentioned in Sinhala medicine that it is good to wash the body with water mixed with jasmine flowers to get rid of body odour and to add jasmine flowers to the bathing water of small children. 
In all these facts, the Jasminum grandiflorum plant can be identified as a very valuable plant with antiseptic, blood-purifying, diuretic, rejuvenating, and pain-relieving properties.

5. Grow Jasmine: How to make a poet's jasmine plant - Jasminum grandiflorum.

(Also called Indian Jasmine, Royal jasmine)

Making more plants from the jasmine bush in the garden.

Take a branch from the jasmine bush. This should be done while the branch is still on the bush. There are small bumps where the branch branches. The roots should be formed from such places. Cut a small hole in the earth and put compost in it. Place the nodular part of the branch into the soil. Place a stone on the branch. Dig this up after about 20 days. Roots can be seen.

If you separate the branch from the bush and plant it, that part of the plant may die. But the probability of not dying with this method is 99%. Therefore, roots are obtained in this way while still in the bush. Now plant this branch with the roots. First, plant that branch in a pot. Then it can be planted in the ground in a suitable place. After about 5 days, you can see some growth in this plant.

6. Grow Jasmine: How to make an Arabian Nights Jasmine (Jasminum sambac)
or Arabian Jasmine (Jasminum rottlerianum) plant.

Arabian jasmine is a plant grown on a large scale. Among the jasmine types, one of the jasmine types that likes the sun the most is the Arabian jasmine.
If you want to plant any type of Arabian jasmine, or Arabian nights jasmine, etc., take a piece of its branch, leave the upper leaves of that piece of branch, cut the other leaves, and plant it in a sand pot in a sandy medium.   After that, cover it well with a polythene sheet or a glass.
Place it in a shaded area. After about 2 weeks, the roots will appear. If growing these on a large scale, use a propagator.

6.1 How to plant a jasmine branch that has thus sprouted, in the field.

A trellis can be made and planted in front of the house. If planting in a pot, make a good soil medium. Generally, the best soil media for this is topsoil, paddy seeds husks charcoal, dung, coir, and sand. If you mix them evenly and make a good medium, you can make a good jasmine bush.

6.2 Another method of making arabian jasmine plants

Fill the pots with sand as a medium. Take a pot with holes. Take an arabian jasmine vine and cut a piece of moderately thick rod about 6 inches long from it. The lower end of the planting side should increase the area. So cut it at a 45-degree angle. Scrape off about an inch of bark from the side where the stem piece will be planted. It accelerates root growth.
After that, apply aloe vera gel, a natural root growth stimulator, to the base of the stem. Plant the piece of jasmine stick that has been smeared with aloe vera. Also, take white polythene and cover the plant. This creates a suitable environment for the growth of the plant.
Look at it in about 10 days. You can see that the leaves have formed.

7. How to Make Poet's Jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) Tea.

Put about 20 dried jasmine flowers in a cup, add hot water, and keep it covered for about 10 minutes. Then filter it. 
Especially if used on an empty stomach in the morning, this is a very good medicine for gastritis patients and bile-related patients. This jasmine flower juice has a slightly bitter taste. You can add a squeeze of lime to this, add a teaspoon of honey, and use it on an empty stomach in the morning. You can also drink it with tea.


This article mostly discusses the Jasminum grandiflorum plant.
The jasmine flower plant is a very valuable plant that produces very fragrant flowers that are loved by many people. The jasmine plant has various uses, most of which are medicinal.
There are many types of jasmine plants, but mainly we talk about four types. Jasmine is widely spread in countries like Sri Lanka and India.
If you want to get more plants from the Jasminum grandiflorum plant, you can get a plant by putting a branching nodular of the plant under the ground while the part of the branch you choose to grow is still connected to the plant.
And to get more plants from plants like Arabian jasmine and Arabian Nights jasmine, you can scrape off the end of the branch you chose and plant this jasmine stick coated with aloe vera (a root growth stimulator) in a pot. Furthermore, by growing this plant in the garden, it becomes a plant that brings very favourable results, architecturally as well.
So you must know how valuable this jasmine flower plant is. Especially the Jasminum grandiflorum plant. 


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